Ugly Sweater Party


Giving Back

Enjoying a Good Time

Dec 8th - 3 pm - Beer Town

Summer 2024 Events

Session 1 & 2

Session 1: June 17-July 12, MWF

Session 2: June 18-July 11, TTH

BEST PIZZA DINE OUT - June 25, T - 11-9pm

Session 1 & 2 Competition Day - M - July 1

Session 1 Banquet - F - July 12

Session 2 Banquet - TH - July 11

Session 3 & 4

Session 3: July 15 - August 9, MWF

Session 4: July 16 - August 8, TTH

Session 3 & 4 Competition Day - August 5, M

Session 3 Banquet - August 9, F

Session 4 Banquet - August 8, TH

We need you!


Please consider signing up to volunteer for an hour or two for one of our many events this summer!

What can I do to help?
Work a shift at the snack bar!

Where can I help?
During competitions at the harbor or at banquets at Buccaneer Park!

How do I sign up?
Stay tuned for out sign up genius for next summer!

